Boys & Girls Clubs of the Diamond Hills offer programs in five core areas:
Sports and Recreation
Health and Wellness
Leadership and Service
The Arts
These programs create a love for learning and help youth gain the skills to further their academic success and plan for their future.
Power Hour: Making Minutes Count
Power Hour: Making Minutes Count helps Club members ages 6-18 achieve academic success by providing homework help, tutoring and high-yield learning activities and encouraging members to become self-directed learners.
DIY STEM is a hands-on, activity-based STEM curriculum which connects youth to science themes they encounter regularly. Special attention is paid to connections of theory and application and the common interactions members have with these scientific principles.
Career Launch
CareerLaunch encourages Club members ages 13 to 18 to assess their skills and interests, explore careers, make sound educational decisions and prepare to join our nation's work force. Club staff or volunteers help teens build their job-search skills and job readiness by using the CareerLaunch Facilitator Guide and working with teens individually or in small groups.
Sports and Recreation:
Every single one of our sports and recreation programs teach teamwork, responsibility, work ethic, accountability, life lessons, goal aspirations, selfless service, integrity, loyalty, commitment, and improving individual self-confidence, self-esteem, and personal courage.
Triple Play
Triple Play, Boys & Girls Clubs of America’s comprehensive health and wellness initiative, strives to improve the overall health of members, ages 6-18, by increasing their daily physical activity, teaching them good nutrition and helping them develop healthy relationships.
The Paris Unit offers 9 quality sports programs to youth 4 years old through 6th grade.
Football/Flag Football
Health and Wellness:
These programs develop youth’s ability to engage in positive behaviors to nurture their well-being, set personal goals, and grow into self-sufficient adults.
SMART Girls is a small-group health, fitness, prevention/education and self-esteem enhancement program designed to meet the developmental needs of girls in three age groups. Through interactive sessions and mentoring girls are able to build skills for eating right, staying physically fit, getting good health care and developing positive relationships with peers and adults.
Passport to Manhood
Passport to Manhood represents a targeted effort to engage young boys in discussions and activities that reinforce character, leadership and positive behavior. Each participant receives a “passport” to underscore the notion that he is on a personal journey of maturation and growth.
Leadership and Service:
These programs help youth become responsible, caring citizens. Leadership and service programs help youth develop leadership skills and gain opportunities for planning, decision-making, and contributing to their Club and community.
Junior Staff
Junior Staff assists Club members ages 13 to 18 in exploring a career in youth or human services, particularly Boys & Girls Club work. Youth participate in career development activities, discovering the importance of community service, building customer service skills and completing a Club apprenticeship. The program develops Club members’ interpersonal skills, work ethic and sense of community responsibility.
Torch Club
A Torch Club is a powerful vehicle through which young people develop and strengthen their 21st-century leadership skills, giving them a firm foundation of good character and integrity. Torch Club members elect officers and work together to implement projects in the four focus areas: service to Club and community; education; health and fitness; and social recreation.
Youth of the Year
Since 1947, Youth of the Year has been Boys & Girls Clubs of America’s premier recognition program, celebrating the extraordinary achievements of Club members. Each year, one exceptional young person from a Boys & Girls Club rises to the role of National Youth of the Year. The National Youth of the Year serves as both an exemplary ambassador for Boys & Girls Club youth and as a strong voice for all of our nation’s young people.
Be A Star
BGCA has joined WWE and the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence to participate in Be A STAR, WWE’s bullying prevention initiative, and its mission to encourage young people to treat each other with respect through education and grassroots initiatives. The Be A STAR program, focused on social and emotional learning, gives Club members ages 11-13 the tools they need to enhance their learning, decision making, creativity, relationships and mental health. The program is available for download in the document and resources section on this page.
The Arts:
Programs in this core area enable youth to develop their creativity and cultural awareness through knowledge and appreciation of the visual arts, crafts, performing arts and creative writing.